Ticket $35
December 30th, Wed.

"With a disposable camera in his bag, I started to record every corner of urban landscape among this wonderfully strange, enormous city. After a Ph.D. in language science studies and a few years to teach in this field, I decided to turn seriously my passion for photography. I was drawn into the world of pathos and emotions which launched his desire to dedicate my life to recording the silent aesthetic of our beautiful world."

That is the reason why Alexandre doesn't take souvenir pictures but timeless and almost pure natural scenery instead. In fact, Alexandre is fascinated by the temporality of photography, which is very brief in the act of shooting but strangely flexible once it is observed. All his work is all about observation and following him, his sceneries try to be independent from our presence, even if sometimes some silhouettes, wrecks, or structures witness our inevitable reliance. He is also passionate about Art, especially Land Art and Abstract paintings.